beautiful, Children's day, heroes, our pride, Port Harcourt, Rivers state., shout out

Happy Children’s Day

Today we celebrate our most treasured gifts from God. Nigeria celebrates her children’s day on May 27th annually. This year’s theme is “Protect the rights of the child in the face of violence and insecurity: End child marriage,”

Every child is a gift ,give them their today, give them time to play and make way for their future. WishesByYou believes children are the future, teach them well and let them lead the way. The future we must prepare now.

Every child deserves good education, good health care and love.

“The greatest gifts you can give your children are the roots of responsibilities and the wings of independence”. ~ Denis  WAitley. 

Put a smile on a child’s face today!!!
Happy Children’s day My babies and all the babies out there

…… #WishesByYou

beautiful, Birthday, Pastor's wife, Uncategorized, Virtuous woman

Happy Birthday Pastor Mrs Caroline Alfred

You’ve always been here to help in our time of need. We appreciate your faithfulness and wish you the very best of birthdays. May you have many more as you continue to serve the Lord in the ministry He has given you.


She carries your burdens, she prays for you all the time. She’s such a Lady, everyone’s friend. Her life, her time, is not her own.  There’s always a need, they go on and on. Thank You Ma, may God continue to bless you.
From: Mrs Ibiso Emmanual Egbo