birthday wish

A living Legend!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO DADDY Accolade :A living legend! Written by Ninnynine Obikudo REVEREND GIFT OBULOR IBRAH (JP) I’ll tell you very quickly about the one I write about. My father is a very good man. A man true to His words True to giving Dogged, faithful and committed to whatever he ventures into. He was faithful to his duties as a Pharmacy Technician all through his career in every office up until retirement. He had no bad records He had a loving and accommodating heart for all colleagues from directors to the menial workers. As a Christian and Pastor in the later years My dad showed great commitment to raising men and women who will passionately seek after God I am a perfect example! He drilled us…oh we had to be on our toes for Sunday school or bible study times. He wasn’t such a charismatic and gymnastic prayer man😂 but with him we understood that “it is the effectual fervent prayers of a righteous man that avails much”. Elder statesman! His counsel is always spot on. As a family man he is the Best A man so committed to his family! He loved and honoured my mum for 23years before her transit to eternity Never did he hit her…NEVER!!! He lives for us, my siblings and I He is our legend He raised us with so much care, so much love , so much excellence yet so much DISCIPLINE 😃 He loves us and his grand children passionately He’d buy everything he sees and loves for us all, not minding our age or status. You are unbeatable my dear Dad😘😘😘 An upright and excellent man Intelligent and embedded with so much wisdom Anointed and graced teacher. I MAKE BOLD TO SAY MY DAD IS A GIFT AND A GIVER. He’s got children biological and spiritual too numerous to mention. Kingsley Ibrah Paul & Nina Obikudo Taribo& Goodness Erasmus-Hart Chuky Ibrah .. Grandkids at present: Alvina and Jason.

birthday wish

Happy Birthday Governor Wike!

My dear and precious Nyesom,

Many years before now and exactly on the 13th of December, you were introduced into mother earth. Today, you have grown and risen to be the man whom God has made you to be, as you are.

In my opinion, you had earlier been much misunderstood as your other sides I have come to know, were yet to be deciphered or unraveled. Thankfully, many more have come to the understanding that you are much more than can easily be noticed at first sight.

You are a man that is imbued with deep insight and knowledge, strength of character and discipline, a strong mind and great strength who goes after what you firmly believe in.

Your love for your people is undeniable and  undying as I have come to see in your generous spirit of giving to all in need and soothing the pains of many in the years I have been blessed and privileged to know you.

Your unshakable belief in and reliance on our Lord, God in every situation you have found yourself in, is second to none. No wonder His countenance continues to shine on you and His blessings have been limiltess in your life.

Your service to Rivers State has always been altruistic as you are a true Son of Rivers State and a worthy, compassionate leader. The grace of God shall  continue to abound in your life and your name shall continue to be heard for good, not only in Rivers State and Nigeria, but the world over, in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord, amen.

Today gives me another opportunity to tell you that you can always count on my love and that of our children, you being the best husband and father we could ever have asked God for. We love you deeply with a love that is undying and steadfast.

I bless the parents that bore and raised you.
I bless God for your life and for giving me the opportunity of having my path cross yours.
And I bless you with every good thing possible for any Man to experience in this world and the hereafter, Amen.

Congratulations and have a delightful birthday celebration.

Your Eberechi.

birthday wish

Happy Birthday My Hero!

#mancrusheveryday I always dream of having a man who will ever love and stand by me through thick and thin,thank God not just for a day but for eternity i am blessed with a smart,hardworking,inspiring,handsome and loving Jesus-junkie for a husband. Words cannot express how deeply blessed i am to have you in this life. Happy Wonderful Birthday my hero, pillar of support, anchor in life,biggest fan,emotional healer and most important of all,sweet pain in my ass. Thank you for devoting your life to my happiness and well being. God bless you,favor you,enlarge your coast and fulfill your earnest desires. I love you more and more and more and ….. 😍😍😍😍😍 ~ Wifey

Birthday, birthday wish

Tyrese is 6!!!

#Mother’sPrayer; Dear God, You know all my prayers and declarations for this great seed You have blessed us with. Continue to make him a shining star, a solution provider to his generation, he will be a blessing and be called “BLESSED” in Jesus name. Once again Lord I tie and secure his destiny to your throne. Tyrese, eyes have not seen, ears have not heard what God has in store for you. Happy Birthday My Okpara. Mummy loves you!

“From the first time I held you in my arms and rocked you softly and sweetly, I savored God’s special blessings beaming through your eyes. Now you have grown from that tiny little bundle of joy into an impressionable little man- full of life and brimming with promise. And I thank God for offering us this gift that you undoubtedly are. More than a blessing to us you are a gift to the world which only time in all off its vibrant curiosity shall unwrap. I therefore make this promise, once and a repeated time, that as long as I draw breath I shall make you into the best man you can possibly be.  You are flesh of my flesh, bone of my bone and fruit of my loins. You are my pride and my bond and I wish you a very happy and merry birthday from the depth of my heart. I love you son!”~ Dad      

Birthday, birthday wish, Goodwill Messages, kids, love, shout out, smart kid

Happy 6th Birthday Theodora Theophilus!!!

Happy 6th Birthday to the most adorableand smartest kid I know. My inquisitive little Kreamy, my smart English tutor, I bless the Lord for adding another year to your life. I cannot stop blessing God for deeming it fit to make you part of our lives.

Most importantly I bless God for giving your parents “Mr & Mrs Theophilus” the fortitude to raise you in the ways of our Lord Jesus Christ. In her angelic voice “Auntie Faka, I want to be a nurse when I grow up” I pray all your dreams come true. Amen!

Lots of Love

Aunty Faka.